The Treadmill MaxTM Treadmill Stability Belt for Professional Use
The Treadmill MaxTM Treadmill Stability Belt for Professional Use helps your clients increase their speed and incline angle for maximum performance and safety. Treadmill MaxTM is perfect for knee replacement rehab. It activates quads, hamstrings and glutes and lessens pressure on the knees!
Treadmill MaxTM is Great for Cardiologists performing Stress Tests.
This Treadmill Max Professional model is appropriate for use by fitness professionals and trainers with their clients, chiropractors and physical therapists with their clients, and in other health and fitness professional settings where improved stability and performance are desirable.
What's the difference between the Professional Use model and the Personal Use model? The Professional Use model has a handle at the back of the gait strap for professionals to use to assist their clients during sessions and quick release straps in case of emergency. The handle allows the health professional to support the client as needed during their workout or therapy.
What Comes in the Box:
Treadmill MaxTM Professional Stability Belt
Quick Release Straps in case of an Emergency
Gait Strap with Handle for Professional
Treadmill MaxTM T-Shirt